Tag: stress

Social Stress: 10 Ways to Help Your Teen

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You might be thinking “what has happened to my child?” as they enter the pre-teen and teen years.  Your once even-keeled, laid-back child who willingly hung out with the family now has all of their focus on what their friends are doing.  They may be stressing about things they never cared about (eg. what clothes you are buying for them) and now are asking to see their friends more than ever.  A lot of teens look to their parents for help but how do you support them without doing too much?  Here are some thoughts about how to help your kid manage social stress.


Understand teens have big emotions.

For teens everything is a big deal and social stress creates big emotions.  Biologically that’s what happening in their brain.  And as parents we tend to want to swoop in and make everything better which isn’t always the best in the long run.   The best thing we can do is listen, let them sort out how they want to handle it and ride out the wave of emotions.  By the next day, they often have forgotten about it and moved onto something else (or the next drama).


 Socializing through social media is the norm.

Back in the day, we went to the mall to hang out with our friends.  Now kids go on social media. A lot.  But you can still have ground rules even if they don’t leave your house to socialize.  This includes time limits, charging their phone at night in a central area or times of the day they are not allowed to use it  (e.g. mealtimes).


Your child’s friend group might not look like the one you had.

Some kids have one or two friends that they hang out with consistently.  For some kids, they hang out in huge groups.  No matter what they decide, as long as the kids they choose to be with have a positive influence, try not to compare your childhood experience to theirs.  Your child will feel the pressure to measure up with your expectations.


Kids know their friends better than you do.

As parents we may say “why don’t you hang out with Kaitlyn?’, the girl they have known since since elementary school.  But your teen may be saying no because they are aware that Kaitlyn is doing things that you would not approve of but they don’t want to reveal it.   Appreciate that your child may know more about these things than you and you may be encouraging friendships that you actually do not want to condone.


Check to see if your rules are age-appropriate.

Sometimes as parents we make a random rule such as “no makeup” until freshman year.  That may be setting your child up for social stress and feeling ostracized.  Talk with other parents to see if your expectations are realistic and in the ballpark.  


There is a social standing among the kids whether we like or not.

We hope that our kids are not facing the social hierarchies we did as kids.  Unfortunately, there are still the popular kids that everyone measures themselves up to.  Acknowledging there is a pressure for kids to participate in certain events because it affects their social status will go a long way.  Understanding doesn’t mean you have to agree with it.


They may want to vent, not get advice.

Teenagers come home from school or a friends house and they may launch into a story of a situation that is bothering them.  Your first reaction may be to offer advice but really all they want to do is vent.  Knowing when it is important to just listen will be why they keep coming back to talk rather than hide in their room.


Define what is a healthy friendship.

Some kids don’t know what it means to have a friendship that is supportive, positive and reciprocal.  Instead they try to hang with popular kids and it can end up being one-sided or they get treated poorly increasing their social stress.  Encourage them to seek out kids who genuinely want to hang with them rather than for a particular purpose.


Empathize with them when they are being mistreated but get involved if they are being bullied.

Listen to their story and offer suggestions of ways to cope with the situation.  Sometimes kids are learning how to socially problem solve  and manage the ups and downs of friendship.  But if it appears to be a targeted, chronic issue whether it be in-person or online, addressing the bullying situation is crucial.


 This phase doesn’t last forever. Promise.

Early teenagehood is a struggle for everyone, particularly 6th through 9th grades.  As they get older, kids start settling into their social groups and know where they stand with their friends. This is when the drama begins to lessen and they are beginning to feel more socially and emotionally confident.

If you feel like your teenager is having difficulty navigating social pressures and you aren’t sure what to do, seeking the help of a professional mental health clinician may be helpful.  Working together with a therapist to identify supportive strategies to help your teenager can make all the difference.


Julie Safranski, LCSW is a Chicago psychotherapist.  She enjoys working with pre-teens, teenagers and their parents as they build their social and emotional competence.  She can be reached at js@juliesafranski.com.


Teen Stress: 4 Helpful Tips for Parents

teen stress 60618 Julie Safranski LCSW


Your teen has been snapping at you when you ask them how was their day. They yelled at their sister for bothering them when all they were doing was asking to borrow something. Your kid is silent at the dinner table and when you ask why, they say it’s because they are tired and have a lot to do. You see bags under their eyes from not enough sleep. Teen stress  is not uncommon, and your high school student may be struggling to manage. As a parent, you hate to see your child like this but not sure what you can do.  Here are four tips to help your teen manage their stress.


Teen Stress Tip #1:  Make sure that their basic needs are being met


Too many high school students say they don’t eat all day until they get home because they “don’t have time”.  Or teenagers report they were up so late doing homework into the middle of the night and had 3 hours of sleep (of course there are the ones who were on their phone or playing video games too).  We know that teenagers need 8-10 hours a night  and they need to be eating throughout the day.  Can you force your high schooler go to bed at a certain time or eat 3 meals?  Probably not but having a conversation about your concern about not eating or sleeping may be more impactful than you think. They might just need the encouragement to make better choices. Or they need help to problem-solve what are the best options for them (e.g. bring breakfast on the go and bringing snacks throughout the day). Also enforcing a no-phone rule after a certain hour by charging their phone in a community area of the house may be the structure they need to limit their distractions.


Teen Stress Tip #2:  Make sure they actually have some downtime


I am a big proponent for self-care to manage stress. This includes for teenagers too. High school students often are going to school starting at 6am for an early morning practice until 11pm at night working on their homework.  No one should be keeping that schedule on a regular basis so why are we making our kids do that? Teenagers should be able to find at least 15-30 minutes a day to veg out doing whatever makes them relaxed. Everyone’s brain needs that downtime.  So whether that is watching Netflix, listening to music, catching up with friends on social media, it is their time to not have any requirements.  Also, encouraging the downtime may actually decrease their distractions while trying to do homework because they at least “checked-in” with their friends.


Teen Stress Tip #3:  Eliminate unnecessary activities 


Some kids just LOVE being involved in everything and have a hard time choosing what really they would like to focus on. But then there are high school students who think they should be in all these activities because they feel their parents want them to, “it looks good for college applications” or it seems like all their friends are doing it.  Often kids just have to many commitments that stretch their time too thin and they end up not enjoying anything they are doing.  Help them prioritize what makes most sense for them now to continue and what they could eliminate in their day to make them less overwhelmed. Maybe the piano that they have been playing since elementary school now does not provide the same spark as it did in the past.   Or the regular part-time job babysitting is more important because they can do homework after the kids go to bed and they get paid for it.  A conversation with your teenager may just be the relief they are looking for and the permission to give up something they do not find joy in anymore.


Teen Stress Tip #4:  Keep parental expectations in check 


I have worked in many school settings in which college was the end game for most students.  But now there is more is the emphasis of getting into the “best” or the “right” school.  Some kids are naturally academically inclined, love learning, and are self-motivated to push themselves to do their best.  This means taking the hardest classes, being involved in the most activities, volunteering etc. to get into THE school of their choice.  If a heavy schedule of activities are driven by the teenager (with a realistic perspective) there is less of a concern than if it is something they feel they should be doing based on other social or family pressures.  I also think that some kids take AP classes and it ends up not being worth their time.  Kids need a certain score to gain college credit. But often kids have to score at the highest level to gain the credit or end up going to a school that do not accept AP credits.  Is the extra AP class really needed when really their heart lies in a different subject or activity? (eg. they are involved in community theater and want to do that in college). Think about the messages you may be sending as a parent about how much they should be doing.  Kids can sense expectations even if they are not explicitly stated and will want to meet your standards. A frank conversation about their future goals may be a way to eliminate the stress they are feeling.

After reading this, you may wonder if your teenager is stressed or has a more serious issue such as anxiety.  Check out my previous post for more information.  If you still have more concerns, you may want to seek the assistance of a mental health professional.  A psychotherapist can help your child find stress management techniques work for them and an effective self-care routine.

Julie Safranski, LCSW is a Chicago psychotherapist. She loves to work with teenagers to help find their balance in managing stress before they enter real world of adulthood.  She can be contacted at js@juliesafranski.com.